Writer of fiction, poetry, etc - based in Vancouver BC
Heaviness is in an airport on the morning
Of an early flight east—
Heavy with the weight of the ride here
With my bags in the back of the car
And the trope of busses passing the other way
Through the humid winter’s darkness
To enter into their daily service
Heavy with all those from destinations unknown
In a slow line towards customs
Between one flight and another,
on the way to Cabo San Lucas
Which is nothing like the Montreal ahead of myself
Heavy with the news and history,
boggy land of the Fraser delta and Ahed Tamini,
Every day lived by the flight crews who pass me
To or from one shift or another and thousands of miles
And every thought they will ever have
Heavy with the future and heavy with the dead—
(I wrote this in the airport waiting for to board a plane to Montreal, on four hours of sleep, and I have not edited it since.)